Branche: | Life and Material Science |
Produkte/Dienstleistungen: | Bruker Life Science Mass Spectrometry, Bruker Microbiology & Infection Diagnostics, Bruker Optics, Bruker Applied Mass Spectrometry |
Standort(e): | Bremen, Ettlingen/Karlsruhe Area, Hamburg, Henningsdorf/Berlin Area, Nehren/Tübingen Area, Bornheim/Cologne Area, Leipzig, Fällanden/Zurich (CH) |
Gründungsdatum: | 1960 |
Mitarbeiterzahl: | 7500 |
Das Unternehmen: | Bruker is a developer, manufacturer and distributor of high-performance scientific instruments and analytical and diagnostic solutions that enable our customers to explore life and materials at microscopic, molecular and cellular levels. Many of our products are used to detect, measure and visualize structural characteristics of chemical, biological and industrial material samples. We have been driving innovation in analytical instrumentation for 60 years now. Today, worldwide more than 7,500 employees are working on this permanent challenge, at over 90 locations on all continents. |
Angebotene Stellen pro Jahr: | >400 |
Gesuchte Fachrichtungen: | Biochemistry, biosciences, biotechnology, chemistry, computer sciences, engineering, pharmacy, physics |
Gesuchte Abschlüsse: | PostDoc, PhD, master, bachelor, technicians, students |
Einstiegsmöglichkeiten: | Postdoc Direct entry & internship |
Traineeprogramme (Zahl der Plätze /Jahr): | No |
Kontakt: | |