In order to assist you in the optimal preparation for the application process, different workshops on various topics ranging from career planning, to application process and job entry will be offered at the CONTACT2021. Additionally there will be two fair praparation workshops prior to the CONTACT2021

All workshops take place in small groups in a relaxed atmosphere and are free of charge for everyone.

Since we want to ensure an efficient training, the number of participants is limited. Workshop registration is possible prior to the CONTACT2021 and at the day of the fair for remaining places. Please take into account that workshop places are quickly booked out, so early registration pays off.

Please note that every visitor can attend one workshop only.

Further information is available via

You can find the workshop program here to download as PDF-file.

Fair preparation workshops are open for registration as of 09.04.2021.

Title of the fair preparation workshop Language Organizer

Getting prepared! The perfect appearance at the online-fair: Life Scientists’ Special

Wie Sie einen bleibenden Online-und Offline-Eindruck hinterlassen

Workshop registration is now open!

Register now!

Title of the workshop Language Organizer

Praxistipps für die perfekte Online Bewerbung

Networking with(out) LinkedIn

Totsünden bei Bewerbung und Berufsstart

Professionelles Bewerben in Zeiten von Corona

Everyday life as an IT consultant

Berufsperspektiven für Natur und Lebenswissenschaftler in und außerhalb der Wissenschaft

Die Macht der Sprache: Kommunikationsstraining für den erfolgreichen Berufseinstieg

Crack the Case – A Pharmaceutical Consulting Case Study

Entrepreneurship for Starters

Skill Workshop: Effektiv kommunizieren

Gehaltsverhandlung zum Berufseinstieg- Wie verdiene ich mehr Geld?

Vaccine development and Safety: The Covid-19 vaccines example