Current Events

In CONTACT With event series

  • BioContact goes english!
    Look forward to an important change: From the coming season, BioContact will officially be English-speaking! 📢 Why is that? Because we want everyone to feel comfortable with us and be able to participate, no matter what country you come from or what language you speak. What will change specifically? The procedures and organisation will remain the same, but all meetings and activities will now be held in English. If you are interested in taking part, please send us a short e-mail to  info [at] look forward to seeing you and the coming season!
  • ICW Catenion
    Exciting news! Our next 'In Contact with' event will take place on March 25 2024, starting at 6 p.m. Title: How to prepare for and approach your first project as a consultant in the Life Sciences Dr. David Puga will lead us through this evening and is going to answer all of your questions about consulting! Catenion is a management consulting firm devoted to helping pharmaceutical and medical products companies create more innovative and effective strategies and organizations. Catenion draws on their deep understanding of industry trends and company dynamics to help their clients develop actionable competitive strategies. They also
  • ICW Sanofi
    15.02.2024, from 6 p.m., online via Zoom The In Contact With Sanofi event will be held in German. Dein Einstieg als Naturwissenschaftler*in bei Sanofi Bist Du noch voll im Studium und suchst einen Praktikumsplatz oder eine Abschlussarbeit? Oder stehst Du gerade vor dem Abschluss Deines Studiums oder Deiner Promotion oder hast diesen schon erfolgreich gemeistert? Du weißt noch nicht, welche Jobs Dich interessieren könnten? Und die letzte Frage: Hast Du Lust, Deine frischen Ideen direkt bei einem Global Player der Pharmabranche in die Praxis umzusetzen? Dann bist Du bei Sanofi genau richtig! Wir möchten Dir an diesem Abend Sanofi als Arbeitgeber mit
  • ICW Procter & Gamble
    12.12.2023, from 6 p.m., German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) or online via Zoom. Join us for our next “In CONTACT with” event where we are happy to welcome Procter & Gamble! You can either join in person or online. Location: Im Neuenheimer Feld 280, 69120 Heidelberg German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Communication Center (K1/2) Online via Zoom: Meeting-ID: 879 5958 8742 Password: 373163 The In Contact With event with P&G will be held in English. We are very excited about this event and look forward to welcoming you soon!
  • ICW Scitaris
    26.10.2023, from 6 p.m., German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) or online via Zoom. WORKSHOP BIOPHARMA STRATEGY CONSULTING: Everyday life as a consultant: Evaluate an early-stage drug opportunity! SCITARIS is a consulting firm focused on R&D strategy support for pharma and biotech companies. With its interdisciplinary team of scientific consultants, it supports clients along the entire value chain of drug development: from rare diseases to oncology; from small molecules to the latest cell therapies. In the interactive workshop held by Leonie Kohlhammer you will gain insight into the everyday life of a R&D consultant. You will work on the scientific validation

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