Workshop DKFZ: "Networking with(out) LinkedIn"

Speaker: Barbara Janssens and Marion Gürth

15.05.2019 11:00 - 13:30 Uhr 

​Language: Englisch

Please bring a laptop if possible.

You are a scientist looking or preparing for your next position in academia or beyond. You heard that networking and presence on social media are important but ... how to get started? How to get into conversations? Are there any hidden downsides to online presence? What is the consequence of not using social media? Is it OK to send a message via LinkedIn to someone I don't know personally? What are recruiters looking for? How do I tap into the "hidden job market" where contacts lead to recruitment?

In this workshop we will tackle your questions, apply answers to a possible scenario, and try out "informational interviewing", and how easy it can be to use this technique with both recruiters and mentors.

Register here!