Besides the company booths, the CONTACT2022 also offers keynotes on different career paths and perspectives in the field of life sciences. Many of the exhibitioners will present their company in a 15-30 minutes’ talk.

Please find an overview of the lectures here.

You can find a brief description of our external speakers from Spektrum der Wissenschaft and the Patentanwaltskanzlei Ullrich und Naumann here.

All lectures will be held in english, unless indicated otherwise.

Live streaming

The lectures will also be live streamed via Zoom. Please find the links to the streams here.

Lecture Program

Stage 1

9:15-09:30 Welcome by BioContact e.V. and Prof. Dr. Rienk Offringa (DKFZ)
09:30-10:00 DKFZ Career Service | Barbara Janssens
Career Paths in the Life Sciences
10:00-10:30 Rentschler | Sabine Lotz
 Schreibe Deine Geschichte mit Rentschler Biopharma
10:30-11:00 Bayer | Bärbel Volkmann
Be you, be Bayer!
11:00-11:30 Sanofi | Katrin Köhler
 Welcome to Sanofi
11:30-12:00 Merck kGaA | Lisa Herge

McKinsey & Company, Inc. | Martin Ellmers, Tomke Pauly
 Warum McKinsey

12:30-13:00 Lonza | Ivonne Marschall
 Silicon Valais - HighTech Boom im Herzen der schweizer Alpen
13:00-13:30 Break
13:30-14:00 Abbvie | Alfred Stefan
 AbbVies Movement hin zu in-silico Forschung
14:00-14:30 BASF | Dr. David Maurer
Bioscience Research & Career at BASF
14:30-15:00 Procter & Gamble | Juan Hernandez
P&G - the best place to work at
15:00-15:30 Novo Nordisk | Anneke Janz, Ana Mora Agudo
Life-changing careers at Novo Nordisk
15:30-17:00 Paneldiscussion | Abbvie, DewpointX, Eurofins, Lonza, Novo Nordisk,
Sciomics, Zamann
Work trends - how will the workplace and culture change in the future?


Stage 2


Short Talks with

Zamann Pharma | Candice Birch
An introduction to Pharmuni

R-Biopharm | Dr. Anne-Susan Gantzert
 Dein Einstieg bei R-Biopharm

Patentanwaltskanzlei Ullrich & Naumann | Dr. Jan Erwig
Patent attorney – working at the interface of scientific innovation
and commercialization

Sciomics | Dr. Ronny Schmidt
Right in the middle of things - a day in a growing Start-up

10:30-11:00 DewpointX | Dr. Michael Wagner
Dewpoint Therapeutics – Condensates Matter
11:00-11:30 ICON plc | tbd
Company presentation ICON plc
11:30-12:00 Trinity Life Science | Benjamin Anstett
Trinity Life Sciences - Every Decision Impacts a Life.
12:00-12:30 PPD | Michael Wingerter
 Careers in Clinical Research from the perspective of a Global CRO
12:30-13:00 Affimed | Sheena Pinto, Christian Breunig
Affimed – Untapping the Power of Innate Immunity to Treat Cancer

InfectoPharm | Dr. Dominik Vogt, Thu Huyen Nguyen
 Ihre Karrieremöglichkeit bei InfectoPharm

13:30-14:00 Gotthardt Healthcare AG | Marco Bleistein
Medical Evidence to Action
14:00-14:30 Agap2 | Alexander Pfriem
 agap2 - Operative Projekttätigkeit in Pharma, MedTec und BioTec
14:30-15:00 ZS Associate | Falko Graf-Meisner, Nils Niemann, Lucy Carter, Janneke
Scientists in Consulting
15:00-15:30 Spektrum der Wissenschaft | Dr. Frank Schubert
Als Wissenschaftsredakteur:in arbeiten
15:30-16:00 Catalent | Anita Ihrig
 Karrierestart für Naturwissenschaftler bei Catalent

Talk in German