At the CONTACT2022 you will have the opportunity to get in touch with your potential future employers in a relaxed atmosphere. In order to benefit fully from it, it is advisable to invest time into the job fair preparation. Therefore, the BioContact e.V., in cooperation with MLP and Horbach, is offering specialized job fair preparation workshops in advance. The workshops will give you helpful information and practical advices for a convincing appearance at the job fair. We would like to ask interested parties to register for the workshops in advance.

Registration on 13.04.2022 at 10am.

Workshop Titel Language Organizer Date Registration
Messevorbereitungsworkshop - Der perfekte Messeauftritt: Naturwissenschaftler - Spezial


25.04.2022 6 pm register here
Wie Sie einen bleibenden Online- und Offline-Eindruck hinterlassen

20.04.2022 5.30 pm register here