CONTACT24 – Job fair preparation

At CONTACT2024, you have the opportunity to make new contacts in a relaxed atmosphere and talk to potential employers. To make a positive impression, it is wise to invest in effective trade fair preparation.

To help you with this, we have put together a small guide for your perfect visit to CONTACT2024 on this page.

In addition, BioContact e.V. is offering two job fair preparation workshops in cooperation with MLP and Horbach, in which you will receive helpful information and practical tips for a convincing first impression. Both courses will take place in person in DKFZ.

Update from 10.04.: The registration for the two job fair preparation workshops is now closed.

Die Macht der Sprache: Kommunikationsstraining für den erfolgreichen Berufseinstieg

Navigating Success: Mastering Job Search Strategies for Trade Shows

04.04.2024 | 17:30 - 19:00 Uhr | vor Ort im DKFZ | Maimuna Seck and Felix Pieper | 30 Teilnehmer*innen

How exactly does a fair work? How can I prepare for it? And what do HR managers pay most attention to when selecting potential employees? In the workshop, you‘ll gain confidence through numerous tips and prepare yourself optimally for the Contact.

You will learn
- To make a flawless appearance online or in person
- To remain memorable to the contacts
- To use the positive impression afterwards for your career start or change

- To perform convincingly in rhetoric
- CV Check – so your CV makes an impression
- LinkedIn Coaching – professionalize your external appearance
- Networking – Effective networking or Networking – Dos and Don‘ts for networking

Der perfekte Messeauftritt: Naturwissenschaftler – Spezial

10.04.2024 | 18:00 - 20:00 Uhr | vor Ort im DKFZ | Dominik Saulér | 20 Teilnehmer*innen

Durch diesen Workshop haben Sie schon im Vorfeld der CONTACT2024 die Gelegenheit, Ihr Auftreten auf der Messe zu perfektionieren und Ihren Messebesuch auf diese Weise erfolgreicher zu machen:
- Wie erreiche ich einen ersten überzeugenden Eindruck?
- Wie bereite ich mich optimal und gezielt auf eine Recruiting-Messe vor?
- Welche Informationen über die ausstellenden Unternehmen können für mich von Interesse
- Wie trete ich dabei überzeugend auf?
- Welche Unterlagen sollte ich bereithalten?

Antworten auf diese und noch weitere Fragen bietet der Workshop zur Messevorbereitung der Horbach Wirtschaftsberatung.
In diesem Jahr haben Sie zusätzlich die Möglichkeit, vor dem Workshop Ihren Lebenslauf an uns zu senden, welche von dem Referenten im Vorfeld durchgesehen werden. Dies ermöglicht es, den Workshop besser auf Ihre Bedürfnisse abzustimmen. Während des Workshops wird der Referent bereits wertvolle Tipps zu Ihren Lebensläufen geben. Anschließend haben Sie die Möglichkeit, ein kurzes individuelles Feedback zu ihrem Lebenslauf einzuholen.

Tips for the perfect job fair preparation

In order to make the best possible impression on potential employers at the job fair and also to get an overview of the best tips and tricks, we prepared you a small guide.

Perfect preparation

Our job fair website and the job fair catalogue provide all the information about the companies that will be present at CONTACT2024. With the help of the extensive company profiles, you can find out all the important details about the companies and inform yourself using the links and their social media presences.

Before you approach the company representatives, you should think about what you want to get out of the discussion. Do you want to get a first feel for the company as an (entry-level) employer, write your master's or doctoral thesis there or do an internship? With your goal in mind, you should prepare yourself accordingly.

Perfect company selection

The best strategy to achieve your job fair goals is to create a priority list of your favourite companies. Don't take on too much, but concentrate on a maximum of five companies that particularly appeal to you. Start with the lowest company and work your way up your list in reverse order. By the time you have reached your dream company, you will have already mastered up to four other interviews and been able to figure out the best possible questions and answers.

It is particularly important to research a few facts about your dream company in advance. Find out about the current financial situation, what new products, services etc. are planned in the near future and whether the company philosophies match your own values. To do this, you can use our company profiles or find out more on the company websites or in business journals.

Perfect day at the job fair

On the day of the job fair itself, you should have at least as many application folders ready as many companies you want to actively approach. It is best if you have already found out in advance who the relevant contact person is and have adapted your cover letter accordingly. The application documents are your portfolio with which you present yourself at the fair - so take the time to make them as professional as possible.

Bezüglich deines Outfits solltest du dich eines Bewerbungsgesprächs angemessen kleiden. Wir empfehlen das sogenannte „business casual“. Hierbei musst du nicht komplett in Anzug und Krawatte oder im Hosenanzug erscheinen, sondern kannst zu einem Hemd in dezenten Farben oder einer schlichten Bluse greifen. Kombinieren kannst du das mit einer Baumwoll- oder Chinohose, die Damen auch gerne mit einem knielangen Rock. Das wichtigste ist, dass du dich wohlfühlst und ein gewisses Maß an Professionalität an den Tag legst.

As far as your outfit is concerned, you should dress appropriately for a job interview. We recommend a so-called "business casual" look. You don't have to wear a suit and tie or a trouser suit, but can opt for a shirt in subtle colours or a simple blouse. You can combine this with cotton or chino trousers, or a knee-length skirt. The most important thing is that you feel comfortable and display a certain degree of professionalism.

Perfect topics of conversation

Find a free recruiter at the fair and introduce yourself with your name, degree programme and the purpose of the discussion. Be enthusiastic about the company and try to avoid empty phrases. Try to steer the conversation so that you can talk about your previous experiences which could be relevant to the potential employer. Dare to ask questions too! If they are formulated correctly and asked at the right time, they can definitely score you points.

Perfect follow-up

After each interview, you should make a brief note of how the interview went and what you were able to take away from it. Clearly note what further steps were discussed and whether you promised to send further documents or contact the company in any other way. This is particularly important if you have received personal contact details from a recruiter or representative. Feel free to send them an email thanking them for the interesting conversation. If you do not receive a reply for several weeks, you can also contact them by telephone.

Good luck!