
Industry sector:Biotechnology
Products, services:Illumina sequencing and array technologies fuel advancements in
life science research, translational and consumer genomics, and
molecular diagnostics.
Locations:USA, Europe, UEA, APAC
Date of foundation:1998
Number of employees:9100
The company:Illumina is a leading developer, manufacturer, and marketer of life science tools and integrated systems for large-scale analysis of
genetic variation and function. These systems are enabling studies that were not even imaginable just a few years ago, and moving
us closer to the realization of personalized medicine. With rapid advances in technology taking place, it is mission-critical to offer
solutions that are not only innovative, but flexible, and scalable, with industry-leading support and service.
Area of expertise:Biosciences, biochemistry, biotechnology, chemistry, computer
sciences, engineering, mathematics 
Additional area of expertise:Life Sciences, Finance, Legal, Supply Chain
Desired qualifications:PostDoc, PhD, master, bachelor
Career opportunities:Post-doc, direct entry & internship
Trainee program (positions/year):Yes (40)