Besides the company booths, the CONTACT2019 also offers keynotes on different career paths and perspectives in the field of life sciences. Many of the exhibitioners will present their company in a 30 minutes’ talk.

A flag next to the title of the lecture indicates which language it will be held in. Lectures in German held on the ground floor will be translated simultaneously into English. For further information, please see the job fair catalogue.

Lecture programme


Lecture hall EG


Welcome by BioContact e.V. and Prof. Michael Boutros | DKFZ

Roche Diagnostics GmbH | Eva Lobentanz: Roche a great place to work


agap2 | Dr.-Ing. Alexander Pfriem

11.00-11.30 PPD|  Daniel Kreeb
Careers in Clinical Research from the perspective of a Global CRO

Sanofi | Akos Szabari
Sanofi – A worldleader in healthcare

12.00-13.00 Lunch break

R-Biopharm | Dr. Katharina Arens
Einstiegs- und Karrieremöglichkeiten bei R-Biopharm AG


Bayer | Bärbel Volkmann
Passion to innovate // Power to change - Entry and career opportunities @ Bayer


Merck | Martina Kunze
Join Merck


Jobvector| Anna Krüger
Welcher Job passt zu mir? - Perspektiven für Naturwissenschaftler
in Hightech-Branchen

15.00-16.00 Panel discussion | Sanofi, Roche in Deutschland, FIVE1, Ashfield, Vetter
Career start - direct, on roundabout routes, just luck? 

McKinsey| Yannik Ehmann
Why McKinsey?


Landeskriminalamt Baden-Württemberg | Dr. Peter Zimmermann
Naturwissenschaften in Ermittlungs- und Strafverfahren



Lecture hall 1st Floor


Strategy& | Alana Leslie Digby
Re-imagine the #FutureOfHealth

11.00-11.30 GHG | Marco Bleistein
Medical Evidence to Action

Vetter | Anna Lehmann
Working at Vetter - a global leader in aseptic filling

12.00-12.30 Lunch break
12.30-13.00 Novo Nordisk | Lee Milligan
Novo Nordisk - A Danish Global Pharmaceutical Company
13.00-13.30 PRA Health Sciences| Thorsten Irsch
Real World Solutions in Clinical Research

Kanzlei ULLRICH & NAUMANN | Dr. rer. nat. Daniel Schaft
Patent attorney working at the interface of scientific innovation and commercialisation through the protection of intellectual property


Short Talks with
FIVE1 | Benjamin Seeber:
How data science drives the development of companies

Ardigen | Piotr Radkowski:
Artificial Intelligence and Bioinformatics in the fight against cancer

HMS | Johannes Schluchter:
Wearables as instruments of medical prevention – apps, cloud and machine learning.

PEPperPRINT | Myriam Friedel:
Business development in a peptide microarray company - Between science and business

15.00-15.30 DKFZ | Barbara Janssens
Career Paths in the Life Sciences
15.30-16.00 Spektrum der Wissenschaft Verlag |Lars Fischer and Michaela Maya-Mrschtik
From the Lab to the Newsroom

Molecular Health | Dr. rer. nat. Peter Koch
Molecular Health – Data-based solutions for precision medicine


Miltenyi | Milena Block
Make cancer history - working at Miltenyi Biotec