In CONTACT with PromoCell

In CONTACT with PromoCell


Wann: Donnerstag, 13.02.2020 um 18:00h

Wo: DKFZ Heidelberg, Kommunikationszenter K1/K2

Sprache: Englisch

Titel: “Job opportunities at PromoCell” mit Lisa Schmidtke, Scientific Support Specialist und Denise Harrach, PhD, Scientific Content Manager

With a comprehensive portfolio of 7,000 high-quality cell culture and cell biology products, PromoCell empowers scientists and researchers around the world to do vital and groundbreaking work. PromoCell also offers comprehensive support from their own scientists, who’ll be with the customers for every research need or question they might have. The PromoCell Academy delivers professional training both in the customer’s facility or their training center in Heidelberg. Courses are available in English and German. Your science is moving the world forward – and PromoCell is here to help. PromoCell goes the extra mile for their customers, because, as fellow scientists, they truly believe in the work their customers do. PromoCell wants to help and support, so the customers can carry on doing what they do best. This philosophy underpins all of PromoCell’s work. It’s called ‘Human Centered Science’.

Im Rahmen unserer Organisation individueller Firmenpräsentationen bieten wir Ihnen die Möglichkeit Kontakte zu Unternehmen aus dem Bereich der Life Sciences zu knüpfen. Nach einem Vortrag über die jeweiligen Einstiegschancen und Jobmöglichkeiten haben Sie die Chance bei Getränken und Brezeln persönlich mit den Vertretern zu sprechen.

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