Eine vollständige und überzeugende Bewerbungsmappe ist der Schlüssel, um zu einem Vorstellungsgespräch eingeladen zu werden. Aber wie stellt man die Inhalte richtig zusammen?
Treffe die Human Resources Experten der Agentur für Arbeit, Horbach und Hesse/Schrader, die Ihnen auf der CONTACT2024 wertvolle Tipps und 1:1-Beratungen zur Optimierung deines Lebenslaufs geben werden.
Infos zur Registrierung: Bitte beachte, dass jeder Besucher der Jobmesse nur einen Beratungstermin wahrnehmen kann. Bitte melde dich sich am Messetag mindestens 15 Minuten vor dem Termin beim BioContact-Team am Workshop Stand. Solltest du nicht erscheinen, wird dein Termin an eine andere Person vergeben.
Die Registrierung öffnete am 21.03.2024. Seit dem 11.04. sind leider alle Plätze vergeben.
Hast du keinen Platz im Voraus bekommen? Je nach Verfügbarkeit hast du eventuell die Möglichkeit, dich am Tag der Jobmesse kurzfristig für einen Portfolio-Check anzumelden. Bitte informiere dich am Workshop Stand von BioContact.
Darüber hinaus gibt es nur auf der CONTACT2024 die einzigartige Möglichkeit, Online-Lebenslaufchecks mit PhD Career Consultancy am Workshop Stand zu buchen. Diese Lebenslaufchecks werden dann am 22.04.2024 online stattfinden.
Veranstalter | Beschreibung |
![]() | Wir checken das für Sie! Kommen Sie zur individuellen Besprechung Ihrer Bewerbungsunterlagen zum Hochschulteam der Agentur für Arbeit 17.04.2024 | Petra Kuhn & Ellen Winbauer | Dauer 30-40 min | DKFZ | 10 Slots | ![]() Das Hochschulteam der Agentur für Arbeit Heidelberg bietet Ihnen ein individuelles Feedback zu Ihren Bewerbungsunterlagen an. Überzeugt Ihr Anschreiben? Ihr Lebenslauf? Sind die Anlagen passend? Werden formale Kriterien erfüllt? Wir erarbeiten mit Ihnen konkrete Vorschläge zu Ihrer überzeugenden Bewerbung. |
![]() | Application Document Check 17.04.2024 | Dr. Branko Woischwill | Duration approx. 20 min | DKFZ | 17 slots | ![]() For individuals interested in having their application documents reviewed, we are offering personalized consultation sessions following the lecture. Advanced registration via the BioContact website is required. Instead of bringing your documents to the Techniker Krankenkasse booth, please arrive at the BioContact workshop desk ahead of time. For the sake of ensuring a quiet environment conducive to detailed consultations, the document checks will be conducted in aseparate room away from the booths. Organizational staff will guide participants from the BioContact workshop desk to the consultation room. |
![]() | Your suitable CV for your suitable position 17.04.2024 | Dominik Saulér | Duration approx. 30 min | DKFZ | 24 slots | ![]() During this year’s CONTACT2023 you can take advantage of our CV check. Your CV is your application’s centerpiece. It should answer all questions concerning your qualifications, experiences and skills and at the same time it must be individual and brief: What are the most important parts of my CV? How can I express what I really want to say? What can I do in order to avoid misinterpretation? What if my CV is longer than two pages? How can I adopt and individualize my CV to different job offers? During the 30 minutes CV check answers to those questions will be given by the experts of Horbach Wirtschaftsberatung. Your documents will be analyzed and valuable tips regarding their content, your position relative to competitors and your career options will be given to you. Your thesis should definitely be mentioned within your CV – but your CV should not be your thesis! |
![]() | Confidential career interviews 22.04.2024 | Sarah Blackford | Duration approx. 30 min | Online - Zoom | 10 slots | ![]() You will have the chance to book one of the high demanded CV checks only at the CONTACT24 from 10 am! Registered delegates of CONTACT2024 will have the opportunity to book a confidential careers interview with a professional PhD career consultant* about any aspect of their career. This might be to receive guidance and advice on career plans, check your CV, discuss ways to develop your career, investigate ways to improve your job seeking strategy, help you to formulate a personal action plan, and any other aspects related to your career. The schedule allows for 10 career interviews, with each one lasting for up to 30 minutes. These will be allocated on a first-come first- served basis. *Sarah Blackford is a certified academic career coach with a background in scientific research, publishing and higher education careers advisory work. She specializes in helping bioscience doctoral students and postdoctoral researchers to transition successfully to their next role, whether it‘s within or outside of academia. She has over 20 years’ experience of delivering career workshops and one-to-one coaching in research institutions and universities and much of her advice and resources are published on her blog, www.biosciencecareers.org. A Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and registered member of the Career Development Institute, Sarah adheres to a recognized ethical code of practice. |
Falls du weitere Fragen hast, schreibe gerne eine Mail an workshops [at] biocontact.info